The Apocalypse Series

Everyone on Earth Will be Dead in Days!

Evolution (Apocalypse 1)

Chapter 1

Eve Holsen stood at her breakfast bar munching a Nutri-Snack and drinking CoffeeSim. Her robotic owl Egbert sat on the counter bedside her.
It was going to be one of those days: She was running late for her shift on patrol in the badlands, and Egbert was nagging again, "Miss Holsen you really should take more care. You're too reckless, especially when you are out on patrol."
"I'm fine Eggers" she said.
"No Miss Holsen," he replied, "you take too many risks. If you want to advance in the military corps you must gain maturity." Eve frowned, distorting the elite warrior tattoo on her forehead, but said nothing. She didn't know why she'd chosen such a naggy companion.

Her communicator beeped. She grabbed it off the counter and pressed receive. It was her squad mate Hollinger. He never calls me at home she thought.
"I've got some very bad news gal,” he said, “The shit's really hit the fan. The Dome's been breached, radiation levels are already off the scale, and people are dying by the shed-load.” He paused for a second. “And I'm sorry to tell you gal, but it's just you and me now. The rest of the squad bought it a few minutes ago - they're all dead."

"What?” said Eve, “that's not possible. I saw everyone in the mess bar last night. They can't be dead! She gripped the counter trying to hold herself steady. They can’t be dead. “Governor Janos was on the news just yesterday. He said the Dome was in good shape". She let the communicator drop to the floor and crossed the room to the window. "Open" she said.
Egbert flew over "No! Miss Holsen, it’s not safe." But he was too late. The window was already sliding open.

She stuck her head out and looked 34 floors down to the ground. It was chaos. People were running around screaming, bodies were scattered on the ground, and even this high, the stench of burning flesh was easy to pick up. She lifted her head and looked out over the city. Most of the buildings were high rise, built within a twenty feet of each other. Now half of them were on fire. Jesus she thought.
But she hadn't looked up yet.

Ever since she could remember the Dome had always been there. There were just three cities left now since the Apocalypse, each one protected from the radiation by an electromagnetic dome. They could not survive without them.

The Dome was the only reliable thing in Eve's life. It protected her from the outside world. Unconsciously she'd assumed it was still there. Hollinger must be wrong. But then, as she watched Las Vegas burn, something caught her eye and she did look up. Oh my God no! It's true. There was a gaping hole. She could see the sky through the hole. It was blood red.

Abruptly she started to cough and retch from the toxic air, and yanked the window closed, overriding the audio control. "Shit" she said "this is really happening".
The EM dome was gone, thousands of people were dying, and there was nothing to protect them from the radiation.

Hollinger's voice came from the comm lying on the floor. "Eve girl listen, It’s not just the Las Vegas Dome. They've all failed. The Domes in all three cities have failed."

This didn't register with Eve at first. She was in a daze staring in to the distance. Then it hit home. This was the final Apocalypse they knew had been coming. She was afraid this was the end for them all. She could feel it in the pit of her stomach. There was no way they would ever survive this. We're all going to die she thought.

You can get the full story on Amazon here for free 

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